Activity Monitor doesn’t show any culprits that I’m aware of (then again, I am still learning the ins/outs of A.M.). I do not have any taxing programs running, just Firefox or Safari with at times, multiple tabs opened.
My question is what could possibly be causing this intermittent heating. The heat (heating up) can cover approximately over 1/4 of the keyboard area (figure “ESC down to fn” and from approx. What I’`m experiencing now is a somewhat intermittent heating up of the upper left-hand corner, the magnetic DC power connector area, of the laptop. All upgrades went well (my first attempt - thanks to all for detailed videos!). I currently run High Sierra 10.13.6 on a 2.4 GHz processor. I just recently upgraded my Mid-2010 MacBook Pro 13” to 16 GB of RAM (2x8 GB), as well as a 500 GB SSD and lastly, a new replacement battery (all new components).